Chuck Perry Update
October 6, 2023, 3:00 PM

Update on Chuck Perry

Chuck is doing very well as he recovers from pancreatic surgery on September 18, 2023; below is an article I recently wrote about Chuck and his battle with cancer. Please continue to keep Chuck and Sherlan in prayer.

"Sowing Seeds"
by Greg Herriford (written on September 22, 2023)

He did not look good at all.
It was back in March of this year.
My longtime friend Chuck Perry not only looked tired, but his skin looked "yellow."
He and I were together at a board meeting of Mission Journeys, an organization that both of us have helped out with for over 25 years.
As the meeting closed, we gathered around Chuck and prayed for him. Everyone there was very concerned.
A little less than two weeks later, doctors confirmed what we all had feared -- Chuck had cancer.
Chuck not only had cancer, but he had pancreatic cancer.
After several months of chemotherapy and treatment, Chuck had a major surgery this past Monday - September 18.
This particular surgery is used to treat pancreatic cancer that hasn't spread beyond the pancreas. It is a complex operation and can have serious risks. The surgery lasted for 7 hours.
I am happy to report that Chuck is doing well and is currently in recovery. Please continue to pray for him and his wife, Sherlan.

I've been doing a year-long Bible reading plan this year called, "The Bible in One Year" with Nicky Gumbel.
One of the passages and devotions this week was from Galatians 6 and it made me think of Chuck and his life. 
Galatians 6:7-10 reads like this: "Do not be deceived: God cannot be mocked. A man reaps what he sows. Whoever sows to please their flesh, from the flesh will reap destruction; whoever sows to please the Spirit, from the Spirit will reap eternal life. Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up. Therefore, as we have opportunity, let us do good to all people, especially to those who belong to the family of believers."

I've been blessed to watch Chuck up close for the last 28 years. We've had the chance to work together on several mission trips. Chuck truly has a "servant's heart." He has always put others first. One of the biggest things I appreciate about Chuck is that he always had connections with people in and out of the church.
Many people see Chuck with a camera in hand at a local ball game. He has photographed University of Kentucky sports, cheerleading, and band for nearly 40 years.
It has always seemed like Chuck seems to make the most of every opportunity that God gives him.

When Chuck was diagnosed with cancer, I wondered how much it would slow him down.
Chuck has been slowed some, but he has continued "sowing seed" everywhere he goes.
When it came to reaping what we sow in a Biblical sense, I used to think that most of what we reap happened after this life on earth was over.
However, I now see and believe that we can and do reap some here in this life.
Nicky Gumble writes, "There are many discouragements around. There are huge temptations to give up. When you sow a seed, you do not see the results immediately; it takes time. Sometimes, it’s only when you look back years later that you can see that the seed you have sown has finally borne a harvest. There are also many seeds sown about which you may know nothing until you see the harvest in heaven. One of the keys to staying positive is to keep an eternal perspective."

In the days and moments leading up to his surgery, God gave Chuck a unique opportunity to see a little bit of the harvest. I believe God gave him a little glimpse of the impact he's had on so many people.
Last Saturday (09.16.23), Chuck was granted media access to cover the UK football game. God then gave him the stamina to handle the assignment. Trust me it's not easy - I've shadowed him before.
The UK Alumni Band was there for the game and Chuck was able to see many former UK students with whom he had positively influenced over the years.
As a wonderful testimony to this impact, over 200 alumni band members gathered before the game and prayed over Chuck. Another family of former band members drove from New York to spend some time with Chuck. Many, many seeds have been sown surrounding UK athletics and band through the years by Chuck. You can definitely see it.

On Sunday (09.17.23), there were two baptisms at Peyton's Lick Christian Church, the church where Chuck serves as the minister. One of the people baptized was someone whom Chuck says he's been praying for and working on for over 30 years. Praise the Lord for these sown seeds that are now coming to bear a bountiful harvest!

Finally, on Monday (09.18.23), the day of the surgery, a nurse came up to talk to Chuck and Sherlan as they were preparing for surgery. She wanted to let them know that she had seen Chuck's name on the surgery list that morning and raced up to the room to see him. She had prayed for some time that she would be able to see him again and thank him for the Christ-like witness he showed when she was a member of the UK band years ago. Even in a very scary moment, it seemed, seeds were still being sown!

When I first met Chuck many years ago, I must admit that I thought he was a little weird and a different type of person. Now, as I've grown closer to the Lord, Chuck makes a lot more sense.  And I now find myself praying that my life can look more like Chuck's life.
It forces us to ask some difficult questions like: What are we investing in? Are we investing in temporary things or things that REALLY matter?
My prayer is that we all be more like Chuck. I pray that we will not be discouraged and continue to invest in people over programs and material things.
May we always be scatters of seed (wherever we go) and not simply be examiners of the soil.